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Know what Precaution should we take while buying Gold

Know what Precaution should we take while buying Gold



We often say that precaution is better than cure, so the same goes when you are looking forward to buy gold from the market. People generally do number of mistakes while purchasing the Gold and avoid safety measure and thereafter realize that they have been cheated. Gold and Gold jewelry around the world is very personal and highly regard metal for the women. People use to buy gold as an investment and making jewelrys, so it require highest level of alertness / precaution while when you are buying the gold. If neglected or precaution is not been taken then you may land up buying fake gold or gold jewelry.


                            Read - Steps and ways to Check the Gold Purity

                            Read - Techniques used by Gold seller to cheat the customers


People should also take precaution while buying highest purity gold or gold jewelrys as they are malleable and can be molded with the bare hands therefore, resulting in breaking the jewelry design or ornaments. The gold sellers are also responsible for cheating the customer as they do number of tricks to fool and cheat. Therefore, one who is buying the gold should care for these things:


Steps for precaution while buying gold or gold jewelrys:


1>     Always buy gold or gold jewelry from trusted shops or online portal.


2>     Do not get confused while buying the gold or gold jewelry.


3>     Keep your close eyes while measuring the gold and never deflect until measurement is completed if buying from retail branded or un-branded shops.


4>     Always look to bargain while purchasing the gold or gold jewelry.


5>     Check for the hallmark for the authenticity.


6>     In case of Gold jewelry always ask the quantity of gold and other metals.


7>     In case of Gold jewelry always ask the manufacturing cost and gold cost.


8>     Always do market survey before taking final decision to purchase the gold or gold jewelry.


9>     Do not miss and always take or ask to take Final bill after buying the gold. This will help you to fight against any cheat or wrong doing and in claim process also.


10> Always check final rates mentioned in the Bill invoice before leaving the shop or store or online.


11> Ask the jewelry salesperson about return policies & certificates of authenticity when buying gold jewelry.


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